Making Room

There was no room for them in the inn. Luke 2:7 NIV

I have often pondered why there was no room for a very pregnant lady to lie down after a long journey. Wouldn’t someone say, “Oh dear, come in, I’ll find a place for you!”

But no. There was no room.

And why was there no room?

Because the rooms were full.

I have been learning to read a scripture and ask myself questions to burrow down deeper into what the Spirit might be wanting me to see. So when I look at this …no room in the inn, I ask myself,

What am I so full of that there’s no room for Jesus?

  • What noise fills my mind so that if the Spirit whispers his love for me, I don’t hear it?

  • What emotion fills my heart so that when I’m asked to go and bless someone, I don’t notice it?

  • What busyness fills my days so that if someone needs a listening friend, I don’t have time?

Bette Dickinson writes in Making Room in Advent, “During the times in my life when I have been full of self-interest, busyness, and material things, there was little room in my heart for God to fill me.”

In a recent session with my spiritual director, I shared with her some thoughts I found myself thinking as I was busy in the kitchen that week. Earlier, I had been feeling discouraged and some of the old worries and accusations came by for a visit, and instead of immediately renouncing them, I let them sit for a while to rehash the old messages. It wasn’t pretty. In fact, after talking them over with my spiritual director, I realized that I had been playing with old untruths, ones that I had divorced long ago. But, while feeling tired and discouraged, they seemed strangely familiar and true.

Entertaining old lies is dangerous. Their presence fills up the freedom space created by God’s healing love.

Ever found that to be happening in your mind?

So what can we do?

What did Mary do?

When she realized she was about to host the Son of God in her body, she humbly agreed. She said yes. She did not list the reason why she should not be the one for this honor. Instead, she recognized God’s hand in the picking of her, a humble servant.

My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,

for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.” Luke 1:47-48

I have been learning to start my day with, “Lord, I give everyone and everything to you. Jesus, I give everyone and everything to you.” While slowly picturing my loved ones' faces, I pray for my husband, our adult children, their spouses, and our grandchildren. If there is a specific concern for that day, I give it to Jesus. Then I move to my siblings and their spouses and adult children. And lastly, I envision my day ahead and give myself and all my planned activities to God. I release them. I make room for the Holy Spirit to work freely in me.

Mary said yes to the angel’s message.

By releasing my loved ones and my thoughts and concerns into God’s care, I am also saying yes.

During the day, if I find that I am worrying about something or someone, I can give that feeling to him as well. Giving it to God and trusting him with it, gets it out of my mind and reminds me that I do not have to let discouraging thoughts trouble me. I can give them to Jesus.

Recently, I was talking with a friend when her daughter called about a problem at home. Her daughter said, “I’m going to tell you so I don’t have to worry about it.” Coming back to our conversation, my friend said, “That is a profound statement! Maybe that is why we pray.”

Yes, that is exactly why we give everyone and everything to Jesus at the start of every day…so we don’t have to worry. We can entrust it all to our heavenly Father and be at peace because our “worry tank” is empty.

What are we making room for when we entrust everyone and everything to God?

  • We are making room for joy: The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy! Psalm 126:3

  • We are making room for focus: on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, and lovely. Philippians 4:8

  • We are making room for rest … you will find rest for your souls. Matt 11:29

  • We are making room for laughter: … our tongues will sing songs of joy. Psalm 126:2

  • We are making room for wisdom. …for wisdom is more precious than rubies and nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 8:11

  • We are making room for wonder: Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. Psalm 145:3

  • We are making room for creativity: I will sing a new song to you, my God…I will make music to you. Psalm 144:9

These are much more compelling companions than the fears or anxieties that can fill our minds.

So I encourage each of us to give “everyone and everything” to Jesus so we don’t have to worry or be anxious. Instead, we have plenty of room for all the glorious riches God has in store for those who call on his name.

Practice: Close your eyes quietly and pray: Lord, I give everyone and everything to you.

Get a picture of each person you are naming, including yourself. Envision God smiling upon them. Give each one to Jesus as you say their name. Welcome the peace that enters with every name you speak.

There might have been no room in the inn but there was plenty of room in the stable where Jesus was born. Let’s have a heart that is ready to receive our dear savior by clearing out the worries and fears and inviting him in to be born in us today.


Goodbye 2022

Here we sit at the end of another year. I feel compelled to shout an enormous THANK YOU to all who have visited my website and read my words. I remain grateful for your trust in me and will do my best to continue to offer encouragement as we walk this journey of faith together in the coming year.

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Thank you, once again, for being a reader at I love writing for you knowing that in some small way God is using what I write to enable others to know and love him and his ways a bit more fully.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Rooted in 2023


How Do I Walk in Love?